Friday, August 13, 2010

Stuffed dog

Eli came in the room last night and said Addie (Jon's toy poodle) must have gotten out. He thinks Ariana (who was not home) did it.  I knew Eli had done something. I went to the door. No Addie. I looked at Eli(who had an astonished look on his face). He said, "Oh no, a ghost did it"! I looked to find Addie stuffed in a plastic toy drawer. To the average person this may seem humorous. To a parent, you have to look at the sinister forethought that went into his scheme.

 First: Eli,(criminal mastermind), walks into a room to make an announcement regarding Addie (his victim).

Second: He blames a fictitious crime (the dog was not let out) on someone who's not there (Ariana).
Third: When discovery is imminent...blames the real crime (dog stuffing) on a non-existent being (ghost)!

Someone tell me what 5 year old sits around plotting crimes and ways to cover them up?

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