Sunday, September 30, 2012

Father-Son time...

Spending the weekend with Eli and doing the things that he wanted to do reminded me of a time with my dad. I remember how excited I would get when my dad would let us do something fun...that we actually thought was fun. I remember as kids we would go to my grandmother's farm in Mississippi every weekend. At the beginning of the causeway ( a 26 mile bridge across a lake that creates one of New Orleans' boundaries) or the end, depending on if you were coming or going, there was a giant " Super Slide" all lit up. It was bright yellow and orange with flags at the top. There was a certain magic that you could feel, much like the Sirens song that lures young sailors. Often times my siblings and I would beg to stop so that we could play and 9000 out of 9001 times my dad would so no, but on that 9001 time and he would say yes excitement would fill the car. My dad would park in the parking lot of Lakeside mall and my sisters would get a potato sack and start the climb up the Mt. Everest of slides. I guess looking back on it now, the slide was nothing more than what is found in school fairs or parish festivals, it seemed bigger than life but the thrill really had everything to do with your dad stopping what he was doing so that you could do something I want Eli to have those memories also, (not that I have a lot of my dad stopping everything but when he did, it was special).I never want to be so busy that I can't stop, at least for a little while.

Photo: Eli and I at the pumpkin patch in Huston