Saturday, July 28, 2012

say Uncle...!

From Michelle (our neighbor/friend) during the summer Olympics:  Eli just informed me that his dad has a brother in China with 10 kids. His name is Oka, which is his Spanish name that means "Jake". It's his (Eli's) favorite uncle and in this particular swim meet, he's cheering for China.

P.S. China won and USA came in 2nd & 3rd.

Take me out to the ball game...

Eli and I had a great time at the baseball field. We had pizza, drinks, and even had cotton candy (divided between four little boys...dirty hands and all). There was a great fireworks show at the end...dedicated to super heroes. Each time a different hero was announced, Eli exclaimed that that character was the one shooting off the explosives.  He was so excited about the fireworks that he actually sat still for a whole 15 minutes!

Not bad for our first semi-pro baseball game together!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

the best day ever!

Tonight is the best night! Eli came and got in bed with Sherri and I ( Sherri is already asleep). I had asked her a question and Eli said that it was just him and me talking. I said "oh!" in reply and he said that we could talk. I said, "ok, what do you want to talk about"? That's when he said, "Dad, I'm afraid of dying one day." I told him that everyone will die one day, but I'm not afraid to die 
because I know what happens next. I told him that I wanted to live a very long time and hold his babies on my lap and play with them...but, I'm not afraid to die when the time comes. I told him that he didn't have to be scared either...he just needed to ask Jesus to be his friend, to forgive him, and to invite him into his life and heart. We prayed a simple prayer and when asked where Jesus lives, Eli told me in his heart!
It was such a wonderful honor to pray with so many children in past years as they made a life long discussion and  tonight, I got to share my faith with my son and now we have this in common also!
God you are so wonderful!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

now i lay me down to sleep...

Tonight is the best night! Eli came and got in bed with Sherri and I ( Sherri is already a sleep). I had asked her a question and Eli said that it was just him and me talking. I said "oh!" in reply and he said that we could talk. I said, ok, what do you want to talk about? That's when he said, "Dad, I'm afraid of dying one day." I told him that everyone will die one day, but I'm not afraid to die because I know what happens next. I told him that I wanted to live a very long time and hold his babies on my lap and play with them...but, I'm not afraid to die when the time comes. I told him that he didn't have to be scared either...he just needed to ask Jesus to be his friend, to forgive him, and to invite him into his life and heart. We prayed a simple prayer and when asked where Jesus lives, Eli told me in his heart!
It was such a wonderful honor to pray with so many children in past years as they made a life long discussion and now tonight, I got to share my faith with my son and now we have this in common also!
God you are so wonderful!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

This is Major Tom to ground control...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

peace on Earth...

Dear God, I know that you are sending your son Jesus back very soon. I have seen the greatest of the signs and wonders...I have seen the lion and the lamb lay down together...well, ok it wasn't an actual lion and a was Eli and Ariana sitting on my bed, working together, acting like they liked each other. No yelling, no screaming, no name calling, no tongues sticking out, no motives...pea
ce. Miracles do happen...everyday. I've witnessed one tonight.
I wish that I would have taken a picture as proof. But I suppose people would have started making pilgrimages to our house and Sherri has been gone for a week and she would KILL me if people started visiting this holy site without her having the chance to clean up a bit (not that we have messed up... much!) Well It's over, much like a rainbow, the brother/ sister phenomenon is over. God has given me a glimpse of his power and greatness....amazing!

Friday, July 6, 2012

I scream, You scream, We all scream for ice cream!

I think Eli has found a way to pass his time during summer now that summer camp is over. He plays a few games like " aggravate my sister until she screams and hits me", " tattletale on my sister until she screams and hits me", " hide things from my sister until she screams and hits me" I'm not sure of the rules, but I think Eli is winning. Today he scored major points...really a coup de gras as it were.
Sherri witnessed Eli putting an ice cream sandwich on his head this afternoon after running around and playing and naturally sweating in our lovely 98*f weather mixed with a great thick humidity. Sherri said, "Eli, don't put that ice cream sandwich on your forehead baby. That's gross because you are all hot and sweaty." Eli told her that it felt good and Sherri acknowledged that it probably did but that it didn't make it any less gross. Eli stopped and very sweetly went into the other room and asked Ariana if she wanted an ice cream sandwich. Ariana asked why? He replied... Because its hot. Do you want an ice cream sandwich? Her response was "sure", so Eli gave her the sweat covered ice cream sandwich after which , he walked back into the kitchen with a huge smile.
Today the judges have to give the game, set, and match to Eli!
Tomorrow is a new day and I'm sure the strategies are being plotted in his sleep!
Sleep well Ariana, sleep well!