Saturday, April 28, 2012

the shot heard around the world...

Well, we made it through the doctor visit.We had the height checked - great (Eli is in the 90 percentile rate for his age), eye check - great (not color blind either), ear check - great, spine check - great, pee in the cup - great fun/great, blood check - blood check? - blood was at this point that Eli started putting two and two together...finger pricked, blood coming out...pain, suffering (Eli was hurting also)...tears...Eli declared that there would be no shots given. I told him that he had already come this far, we might as well finish...I hoisted my 72 pound son up onto the table and the nurse got another nurse to hold his feet. I held him down and the blood-curdling screams started...deafening screams... screams that could be heard in the other check up rooms (striking fear in other kids), screams that could be heard in the waiting room (striking fear in family members of children that were in the check up rooms), screams that could be heard outside (striking fear in arriving parents and children), screams that could be heard in Milwaukee (striking fear in ...well, I'm not sure who it struck fear in, but I'm sure there was someone)...and then the nurse said she was ready to give the shots!!! What??? Really??? haven't given any shots???... under duress, stress and suffering, I doubled all payments and bribes...the shots were given,5 (6 if you ask Eli - because the finger prick counts as one) in the leg...many more screams, many tears...they were the shots heard around the world...but we did it! they are done...well...until next month.
After the grand ordeal, Eli reminded me of all of his rewards and we went to target and got two toys, he had two cheese pizzas...and the rest will be paid off in a timely manner. Not sure how much it will cost me next time...bribing Eli and Sherri!

doctor, doctor...

Friday, Eli will be visiting a pediatrician for the first time in his life. He will be getting his first set of immunization shots.
I told him that I would be going to the doctor with him and he asked if he would get a shot. I couldn't lie to him, so I said yes, to which there was a loud NNNOOOOO!!!!! Good or bad, I have taught him the art of the deal. He asked if he could get a little shot that didn't hurt. I told him that it may hurt a little. He cried and said that he didn't like bee stings and if it felt like that then he didn't want one. I told him it would be more like a mosquito bite. He said "no thank you, I don't like mosquitoes". I said if you want to play outside then you have to put up with a few mosquitoes , the same thing with shots if you want to go to school. Eli thought about it and decided he would rather be home schooled. We are still going to the doctor, he is still getting his shots, he is still going to school, and he is now getting pizza, going to a movie and playing laser tag.
I figured his deal was easier to pay up on than the deal I would have to make to get Sherri to homeschool for second grade.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Today Sherri and I went with some friends to look at old doors for a project that we will be doing for them. The doors were in this shed like building and the gentleman who owned it had lots of old salvaged wood and iron was very cramped inside and it was wet and drizzly when we got there.
As I was moving doors, I kept seeing spiders everywhere (not cool). Anyway, our friends purchased 8 doors and I helped carry them out - after inspecting them for spiders. When I left, I kept feeling like there were spiders on me and would get that kind of creepy shake that people get. I also felt VERY dirty and had to put germ-x on when we got to the car. I guess you get the picture now...the place was dirty, cramped and spider infested and I was in the middle of it and outside of my comfort zone.
Anyway, fast forward about an hour and Sherri and I made it home. Eli wanted to play dinosaurs ( a game where he is a meat eating dinosaur and I am a herb eating dinosaur and we battle - glorified wrestling). I threw him around a little, but I couldn't shake the yucky feeling so I told Eli that I was going to take a shower and we could play when I got out.
I turned on the water, undressed, got in, and I started to look for spiders being washed off of me. I kept thinking about the place when I heard Eli knock. I told him that I would be out in a little while and asked him to go watch some TV, then I went back to the scrubbing, disinfecting and de-spidering. about two minutes later the curtain pulled back and Eli roared/screamed then ran out. It was like one of those Psycho movie moments. I was deep in thought about scary things and then to have what appeared as a crazed midget coming after me...well, I screamed - like a girl (let's just say that I could do a voice over for Janet Leigh). I did. He scared me and I gave him the satisfaction that he needed. It was like the vortex of all my thoughts and concerns (some would call them fears) coming together in one place!
He tried a second time, but I was on to him.

the power of a train

For Easter Sherri gave me a Mexican train domino set complete with little plastic trains. Eli asked me to play with him and began pulling everything out of the box. I was trying to explain the game when Eli told me that that really wasn't how to play and he began telling me the REAL way.
In the game that Eli plays, you make train tracks out of the dominos with bridges and dead-ends and broken tracks. Every train has a super power and you try to win all of the trains. Example: the red train has fire power and the white train has ice power. The fire train can melt the ice train and you have to give up the white train. There is an exception to this rule: if I have the fire train and Eli somehow gets the white train ( which is rare) he knows the secret so that the ice can cool down the fire and then put it out, thus giving him control of the fire train. It's very hard playing against someone who knows the fleeting powers of the lesser trains. I always seem to loose when I play and much prefer to play against Sherri. I always win against her because of Nordic rules. Nordic rules state that a man can never loose against a woman unless he dies during the game and then it becomes a tie.