Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Eli's Prayer

I'm so in awe of Eli. I just went to go pray for him and he stopped me and said he wanted to pray. He asked God to place force fields around our house and our beds. He asked God to help him "be good" for his teacher and have angels tell him how to read better in reading group. He said he loved his dad, his mom, and Erica but to help Ariana to be very nice to him. He thanked God for Austin, Jon, and Jude, but to give the new baby a name. He will kiss it if its a girl. Help Jared have a good day in England and to kiss him for him. In Jesus name. Amen. I'm glad he knows already where his help comes from. That God has the ability to change people, that he names us and that God can love others for us when we can't be there.

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