Friday, October 1, 2010

biblical principle

Today Eli went to work with me because it was fair day in the parish that we live in.  Ally Maree, a friend of Eli's from school, was also there.  Ally's mom took them to get a snack in another building and returned laughing. She proceeded to tell me this story.
When she asked them what they wanted, they both had the same choice for chips.  Ally's mom put the money in, made the selection and the chips fell.  Eli quickly reached in and grabbed the chips.  Ally, a little disturbed, asked Eli why he got to go first and told him that those were her chips.  Eli quickly responded with this, "It's ok Ally Maree, when we get to heaven, the last will be first."
The boy knows how to use this scripture very well. :-)

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