Sunday, November 2, 2014

the things I learn from Eli...

Sunday life lessons from Eli:
Dad, boys are made in the cold.
What Eli?
Boys are made in the cold and girls are made in the heat. It's true. I was cold when I was in mom's stomach...oh, and salt water crocodiles bury their boy eggs in cold sand.
Oh and dad...we need to start stocking up for hurricanes.
Hurricane season is almost over for us. The weather is getting colder and hurricanes can't form in the cold.
But killer whales and blue whales can make them.
What?? How can whales make hurricanes?
They suck in cold water from the ocean when they eat fish and then it warms up in their stomachs because the fish are food and food makes energy and energy makes heat and that's how they put out warm water. That's what happens in Mexico, South America and Australia...
That's not really how it works Eli...
Oh, really...Dad, there are a lot of whales out there.
(Pause while his two nephews get in the car)
Poppy, our fish Mr Darby died.
Oh, I'm so sorry. I'll get you a new 'bout that?
Dad, you should get an electric eel. You can power your whole house on just one eel. They have special tanks with wires wrapped around them and they go out into your house. They have them for cars also. You won't ever have to buy gas again; but you have to get the right kind of eel...they have water eels also that spit out water and ink but they don't have any electrical power...
I'm not sure if Al Gore knows that mankind is NOT the problem to global warming, it's those darn whales...but with eel power we can combat (and I dare say, reverse) global warming!
This has been an Eli public service announcement...

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