Wednesday, January 2, 2013


My morning started at 5 with Eli coming and getting in bed with us...only Eli doesn't JUST get in bed, he takes over the bed. First he needed more room so sherri and I were pushed to the edges of OUR bed. Then he needed water at 5:05 which made me get up, go into the COLD kitchen, which woke the dog, who now had to go outside, which brought Eli into the kitchen to see if I was staying up. I sent him back to bed and I put the dog up...5:10. I go back to bed to find that Eli has the light on because he had to blow his nose...done, lights out. More bed adjustments are needed because AGAIN, Eli needs his space. 5:20, Dad, is your birthday in summer? (While I understand the excitement of Jamesapalooza, 5:20 is no time for these questions!) No son, It's in the spring...go to sleep. spring before summer? Yes, go back to sleep. 5:25...I need more water...can you hand me my water bottle (water bottle handed off and returned) can you scoot over some more and mom can you move down? Eli, this is our bed! Go get back in your bed if you aren't happy! 5:45...can you get my water bottle? Are you getting up soon? Soon, but not now! Go back to sleep!! 6:00... The alarm goes off...Eli totally misses it and is fast asleep! Nice!