Sunday, January 27, 2013

8 years...

It was about this time(3:43am, Jan.27th) that I was introduced to the most amazing person. You may know him as Elisha James Harris or Eli. I know him as the Wonder of my world. I remember everything about the moment that Sherri told me that I was going to be a father. She told me to wait until we were sure before telling people...I got on the phone immediately to let people know. There was a moment about two weeks before he was born that I had a mini melt down because I didn't think I could meet the challenge of being a good dad and the responsibility that comes with the job. Luckily there was a friend and a dad around that assured me that all would be ok. On the 26th of January 2005, Sherri told me that the baby was on his way. I had friends over that night and Sherri asked me to tell them that it was time for them to leave and go home...she didn't want me to tell them why we were asking them to leave but I went in to the living room and told them that it was time to go because my baby was coming! Most people would be heading for the hospital, but not us. Eli was a home birth ( I never really thought that I would be a part of a home birth...I imagined a Lucy and Ricky (I love Lucy) kind of birth where the woman goes in, has the baby and the man paces back and forth until the nurse comes and tells him that he is a father). The home birth wasn't so wife is an amazing woman, able to put up with home birth, remodeling, me and so much more... one of these might send lesser women over the edge...but not Sherri, we were right in the middle of a kitchen remodel and we had NO running water in the kitchen and NO appliances (actually, we just had four walls and NOTHING ELSE! Babies really don't care about that, they just want to know where the food is and who the supplier will be. When the moment came and I caught my baby in a towel, I didn't even look to see what we had, I was in shock...awe... I was caught up in the miracle of life that I had just taken part in. The mid-wife told me to take a look and see what we got. I looked and we had an Eli! He was an answer to a promise. I remember crying out of love, exhaustion, emotion, was at this time Sherri decided on his middle name...James.
We have had Eli for 8 years now. I still don't know everything about being a dad, but I've learned that you learn as you grow and you are equipped as you need it. I know Eli has changed my life - for the better and I can't imagine what my life would have been like without him. He has taught me so much about myself, about God's love, and about the world around me. I love that he is a story teller, a hero, an artist, a singer, a dancer, a dreamer, an explorer, and he calls me dad. I am so blessed and so happy to have a son named Eli and I love the adventure that we are on!
Happy 8th Birthday!