Wednesday, September 24, 2014

and now for the rest of the story...

I'm not sure if it's genetics or the cooler mornings, but this morning on the way to school, Eli started singing the Little Drummer Boy song. Well naturally I joined in and knew a few more words and verses. Eli stopped singing and said ...Dad, it's sad that the drummer boy lost his parents in the fire. I questioned the story and told him that I was not aware that he was an orphan. I thought that he was merely poor. Eli corrected my memory and told me that his father had died in the first fire and his mother in the second one. (The fires were set by thieves wanting to steal everything) The drummer boy was only able to save a camel, a donkey, and a baby sheep. This all happened when he was five. That's why he didn't have anything to bring. When Mary saw him she gave him some food and water and let him stay with them in the stable for awhile...(pause)...(thinking)...Dad, I think the drummer boy joined a band when he got older and became the greatest drummer ever!
Unfortunately, I didn't get the name of the band...the teacher opened the door and out he went...
Now that I have more understanding and the back story of the Little Drummer Boy it makes much more sense and is far more exciting...death, hardship, redemption, rock bands...I can't wait to watch it tonight!

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