Thursday, January 30, 2014

I want to fly like an eagle...

Eli came home from school today with a fantastical story. 
Today his class found a Bald Eagle. It was flying all around the school looking for a place to land. Eli and his friends were playing outside and he landed by them. He was hurt and didn't have any feathers...that's why he was bald I asked him about his baldness and his reply was...Dad, that's why they call them Bald Eagles. Someone or something scratched him and we had to save his life. I said...Eli, you and your friends are national heroes. You saved an Eagle! Way to go, son. What did y'all do? Eli told me that they put band-aids all over the that he was covered and then they let him go and he flew away. Everyone was clapping and giving high fives. Supposedly they are starting a new animal rescue club at school, and they want Eli to be the president.
He is already the president of the ninja club, the after school carpool club, and now the animal rescue club. He has already achieved so much...and he's only in the third grade. So proud!!