Friday, December 13, 2013


NyQuil is amazing! It allows you to sleep through your wife allowing your eight year old to get in bed with y' the middle. It also allows you to sleep while your eight year old takes all of the covers except for a corner of the sheet, leaving you to wake up with what could be considered in the medical field to be hypothermia. Also the NyQuil and self diagnosed hypothermia allow you to sleep through your cat ( which is supposed to be an outdoor cat, except the before mentioned wife ( whom will remain unnamed) has started feeling sorry for the outside cat with the dropping temperature and the age of the outdoor cat and has started letting the outdoor cat indoors, where she makes a b-line to our bed to sleep)... Where was I? Oh, yes!...sleeping through your cat (which you are allergic to) making biscuits on your bare arms and "love" biting your underarm...but it will not allow you to sleep through the death gaze that the outside cat is giving you while perched upon your claw punctured arms so that you will awaken and let her out.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

soft shell, blue, or king...

I love my son...I walked into his room when I got home from work and he was playing. I said, Hey, son. How was your day? (I startled him) Eli said, scared the crabs out of me...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

alien nation...

Sherri and I were painting tonight at a church in Loranger and Eli came with us. As we were working, Eli started talking and asked us very seriously ..Which one of you has alien blood? 
I responded with a...what? What was the question? Eli repeated the question again...Which one of you has alien blood? I offered that it must be Sherri Harris because I know I'm from Earth. Sherri was hard pressed to come up with proof that she was NOT an's not printed on your drivers license or anything like that. Finally she asked Eli...Did you mean, which of your parents has Indian blood? Eli said yes and Sherri claimed her heritage. Eli was happy to know that he was part Indian, but it was bitter sweet...his mother isn't an alien after all. It was sad for me too...having an alien for a wife definitely would have its advantages and it would explain so much.