Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The key is...

Tonight, when it was time for Sherri to go to class, Eli couldn't remember what he had done with the car keys. You may be asking yourself, " What were they thinking, letting Eli have the car keys!". Well, you see Eli needed to get his books out of the car ( which was a good and noble quest) but then he became distracted and wandered over to our neighbor Michelle's house. By the time Michelle walked
 Eli home and he had played with Piper and had done many adventurous things, it was time for Sherri to leave for school. She asked Eli where the keys were and that question was met with a dumbfounded blank stare and a solid response of " I don't know" ( this is a direct quote). Sherri demanded that Eli remember where he put the keys which is like asking the age old question of Whose on first? Sherri, Ariana, and I started looking for our ONLY, LAST, COMPLETE, set of keys. We looked like we were looking for a missing person - organized and spaced apart, responsible for our area and ready to yell with any leads.i came inside to see if Eli had had any luck sparking his memory, only to find him jumping on my bed.
I said Eli, I thought you were helping us look?
I am.
I'm trying to remember. This helps me remember...
Sherri out of frustration announced that she was going to have to miss her class and Eli came up with a brilliant idea. You could wear some fast air shoes and fly to class. Sherri was not amused and told him that he wasn't helping. Now trying to track a 7 year old boy is like trying to follow the wind ( and they even have machines to do the latter) and I imagined in my mind one of those maps in cartoons with black dots going in circles and random places, when I was snapped back to reality by a loud..." I remember where they are". Now Eli being Eli, couldn't just walk directly to the keys. It was as though he had gotten into my head or I in his and he randomly walked through our den ( as though on a map with black dots in a cartoon) and ended up at a basket on the bookcase. He reached in and retrieved the keys - much like a magician reaching in and pulling a rabbit out of a hat. There was no time for questioning and there were no answers given as to How? Why? Or When?
By the way, Sherri did make it to class and through the search and rescue, I found another key to the car...not bad!