Saturday, August 11, 2012

gold or nothing!

Eli and our friend Michelle were watching  the Olympic Women's Volleyball final game the other night between the USA and Brazil.  Eli was all into the games and really liked cheering for the States. Michelle told us that Eli started praying for team USA (wanting to give them a divine edge) and they started scoring more points. As Brazil started scoring more points, Eli thought about it and told her, "Wait, I think someone is praying for THEM...!"
In the end team USA lost the game to Brazil and Eli was not satisfied with a Silver medal: "That just means we lost."  Tough crowd with the 7 year old Romanian judge!

Ice Age 3D

Friday, August 10, 2012

that dog? that dog will never worry you by catching a cold...

Well, I guess I have to admit to the world that I have had a moment of weakness and...well... I went to the animal shelter to see what kind of animals they had. I know it was a dumb thing, especially with our animal history and being black balled by PETA and all. 
Anyway, I found a dachshund that had been turned in by a little old lady who could no longer care for the dog.I thought - perfect! This
 animal has lived with an old lady its entire life. He will be quiet and calm. I told Sherri about my find and surprisingly, she didn't get mad at my suggestion. ( she likes dachshunds and has had them before ). I was told of all the great qualities that this breed possess. I was .sold! I loaded up Eli, Sherri and Ariana and off we went to the pound! Only it closed at 4:30 and we got there at 4:32...disappointment abounded!! I convinced/suggested that Sherri take the kids after school today...I didn't need to be there. Well, I did need to be there. I received about 10 phone calls in rapid succession ...kind of like when you're trying to be the 8th caller to a radio station. First call...(Sherri) the dachshunds that are here are all senior dogs. (Me) that's the beauty of it all. They are already house broken. (Sherri)The kids don't think they will be much fun. They barely move. (Pause) (Sherri) There are some puppies that are here, Lhsa Apsas, and the kids want one of them. (Me)WHAT???? We said Dachshunds. (Sherri) I'm just telling you what they want. I have to go... Call 2...(Sherri)we have a problem. Eli wants a black one and Ariana wants a tan one. (Me) They have to pick one...only one... Call 3...(Sherri)Eli is crying and Ariana has gone outside. (Me) put Eli on the phone....Hey Buddy, you have to agree on one dog or you can't have either one. (Eli) But I want the boy one...the black one. (Me) I know...(Eli) Daddy said I could have the black one. (Me) Eli...Eli...I did not..(click)... call 4...(me) Sherri, I did not tell him that. Make them agree to flip a coin. (Sherri) ok, I'll call you back. Call 5...(Sherri) Eli is in the parking lot crying...he lost the toss. He called it and tossed it...and lost. (Me) put Eli on the phone...Eli, its ok buddy (I reach into my consolation prize schemes and pull out a good one) Eli when we move into our next house (which is kind of just out there) you can pick a dog to live there...(Eli) ...NOOOOO ...sniff...sniff...I want the black one. It's a boy ...(Me) I know son, but...(Eli) Dad said I could get the black one....(click) call...oh whatever the number...(Sherri) I should have made you do this...what are we supposed to do now? He really wants the boy puppy
And Ariana isn't backing down.
Thinking quickly and with the wisdom of Solomon, I said...when the dog is fixed, it will neither be male or female..(Sherri...with a sound of distress in her voice) We are going back in to see the (Me) well...(Sherri) Eli said he wants the tan one. (Cuban crisis over!!!)
Everyone came back...(Eli) dad (whisper) this is really the boy dog...don't tell Ariana. We need to give him a boys name.
We have a dog without a name, two kids that want the dog to sleep in their rooms and a variety of names being called AT each other ( none of which are suitable for a least not yet)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

black widow...

Tonight someone posted a picture of a Black Widow Spider on their fb wall. I pointed out the picture to Eli and told him of the dangers of the Black Widow. I explained that if they bite you, you have to be rushed to the hospital because they can kill you. I thought that I was providing my son with important life saving information. I taught him this little poem ( I'm not sure if I heard this some
where or if I made it up) "if the spider has any red, run away or you could be dead"
Sherri thought it was a little over the top...I think Eli did too. I now have to go with him to brush his teeth, to get things out of his room, and he has proclaimed that he is sleeping in MY bed tonight. I hate Black Widow Spiders! They ruin everything!!!