Monday, November 21, 2011

The Deer Hunter

I'm thinking that I need to get someone to teach Eli about hunting. Today we went on a nature walk and during the course of the walk the conversation turned to hunting deer. Eli told me that we could kill some deer and sell them to Uncle Paul (a friend). I agreed. Then he told me that it was ok that we didn't have a gun with us because we could just punch them and then they would die. I told him that it didn't work that way, but he insisted that he was right. A few steps more and he said, " dad, we can always use a saw...we can always chase them with saws and kill them that way, if you don't want to punch them."

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dr. Eli

I'm so lucky! Tonight at Austin's birthday party, I stepped off of their deck and somehow became unbalanced and fell, hitting my knee on one of their pavers. Sherri brought me home and then had to leave to check out the church nurseries. Eli has become my care giver. He has checked my knee twice and has informed that there isn't any blood. He has also informed me that he is in charge while Sherri is away. My 6 year old thinks that he is Doogie Howser, MD!

My therapist (Eli) is great at pain management . He has managed to hit, fall and climb on my knee -causing me pain. Maybe he's looking for job security ...

Another lucky moment: Sherri is now home. She helped me put a knee brace on. The only problem is that she learned her bedside manner from the Spanish inquisition school of nursing. After laughing while I screamed in pain, Eli went and got me a waterproof bandaid. After all, bandaids make everything better. Eli didn't do so bad after all.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

costumes are vogue for any occasion

Yesterday we were driving to my sister Lana's house to get ready for my father's memorial service.  While we were driving, Eli asked why we were going to Lana's.  I explained that we were going over there to get dressed, to which he responded that we were already dressed. I told him that we were going to get dressed up to tell Pops good-bye.  Eli thought for a second then he said' "I want to go as a cowboy. What are you going as?" I told him that I was going as a responsible adult.  Then I told him that I think Pops would have liked his cowboy outfit more than mine.